Chris’s Page

Chris Toftner

Senior Golf Professional

About Chris

Chris grew up in Minneapolis and attended college in Arizona. The next several seasons he worked as an instructor with the John Jacobs golf schools at multiple resorts throughout the southwest and southeast. Chris is a 14-year PGA member and enjoys learning his craft teaching golfers of all ages and abilities. "All golfers can posses a repeating and efficient golf swing in addition to a competent short game, with an understanding of a few basic club and body movement concepts."

Chris's Lesson Pricing

Individual Lessons

  • Adult-
    • $80 (30 mins)           
    • Trackman Lesson- $200 (90 minutes) 
    • $150 (55 mins)
  • Youth (under 18)
    • $75 (40 mins)
  • Build your own small group- contact Chris for pricing.


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