VLGC Hole #1

Par 4 Blue- 473 yards, White- 435, Silver- 399, Red- 355, Yellow- 341, Green-187

Hole #1

Playing predominantly into the wind, and every inch of its 473-yard back tee distance, the par-four first hole at Victory Links lets you know right away the course is going to challenge you. Whether you’re a hot shot junior ace playing the green tees and trying to carry the forward bunker, or a Monday qualifier trying to thread the needle from all the way back on the tour box, the first hole is going to get right up in your grill and let you know you’re in for a fight. Out of bounds lies to the left behind a train of rolling elephant hills, while a field of winter wheat runs along the right. A well-thought-out tee shot will favor the right side of the fairway which will give you the best angle to the green. The opening in front looks amenable to running it up, but you will be better served if you can carry it past the bunkers to the middle green as the front apron is hog-backed and sloped towards the waiting front bunkers, which will swallow almost everything trying to roll past them. The green is longer than it looks and tapers to the front. Pay special attention to the speed when putting from the back of the green to the front of the green where it slopes sharply away from the golfer requiring a deft touch from above the hole and a firm stroke on the side hill three-footers. *****For the more adventurous golfers in your group check out our brand new optional tee box to the front right of the current tee that can also be used to create fun wedge shots to a tightly guarded back pin on hole number 7. Ask the starter about playing this tee!*****

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